Services for SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc)

Kathleen Agnew

Primary and secondary dyslexia tuition and assessment to inform teaching programme
Dyslexia SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc) Tutoring

Patricia Redmond

Primary and secondary online tuition, dyslexia tuition, study skills, maths tuition and assessment to inform teaching programme
Dyslexia SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc) Tutoring

Perceptions Dyslexia Assessment and Support

Full diagnostic assessments to diagnose dyslexia. Teresa is a specialist teacher with thirty years of experience in teaching both primary and secondary age children. Teresa is able to offer Continuing Professional Development training to adults in schools. Much of her work involves giving support to parents of children with specific learning difficulties.
Dyslexia After diagnosis support SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc) Tutoring Subject Specific Consultants

Rachel Morrison

Primary and Secondary dyslexia tuition, online tuition, study skills and assessment to inform teaching programme.
Dyslexia SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc) Tutoring

Target Dyslexia

Mainstream schools often don’t have the finances or resources to teach the way that best suits children with dyslexia. As a result, many dyslexic children struggle with their studies and lose confidence and ambition.
 Led by Lorraine Walsh, an award winning dyslexia tutor, Target Dyslexia focuses on reversing that spiral, teaching proven techniques that restore confidence, bring success and enable students to reach their full potentials.

Dyslexia SEN assessments (Dyslexia etc) Tutoring